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Rating Agency of the Year Awards

The Asset's Triple A Rating Agency of the Year awards highlight the strength of credit rating agencies operating in the region in providing both investors and issuers with fundamental parameters regarding the creditworthiness of corporates, financial institutions and sovereigns.

This award is to cover the following areas:

The coverage period is the calendar year (January 1 - December 31) and the submissions should include the following:

Our best wishes and looking forward to receiving your submissions.

Awards Results 2025
Previous Years Result
Rulebook & Submission
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Awards Ceremony
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Mindspace Business Parks REIT with Trust Investment Advisors Private Limited
Reliance/Reliance Jio with DBS, Standard Chartered, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and UOB
PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur with MUFG Bank and UOB
Perusahaan Listrik Negara with OCBC Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and UOB
ASA Philippines Foundation with BDO Capital & Investment Corporation
Repower Energy Development Corporation with China Bank Capital Corporation
Bank of the Philippine Islands
Citicore Energy REIT Corporation with PNB Capital and Investment Corporation
Asialink Finance Corporation with RCBC Capital Corporation
ACEN Corporation with BDO Capital & Investment Corporation, BPI Capital Corporation, China Bank Capital Corporation, PNB Capital and Investment Corporation and RCBC Capital Corporation
SM Prime Holdings with BDO Capital & Investment Corporation, China Bank Capital Corporation and RCBC Capital Corporation
Metro Pacific Investments Corporation
City Developments Limited with OCBC Bank
Frasers Centrepoint with OCBC Bank
Bank of Ayudhya with MUFG Bank
Export-Import Bank of Thailand with Bank of Ayudhya and Government Savings Bank
Minor International Public Company Limited with Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
CP Axtra with Bank of Ayudhya, CIMB Thai, Krungthai Bank, Kiatnakin Phatra Securities and UOB (Thai)
Far Eastern Resources Development Company with Far Eastern International Bank
Societe Generale with SinoPac Securities
Thomson Medical Group with Maybank Investment Bank
Bank of Communications (Hong Kong) with Bank of Communications, Hua Xia Bank (Hong Kong) and Huatai International
New Development Bank with ICBC
China Hongqiao Group with China CITIC Bank International, Credit Agricole CIB and Export-Import Bank of China
Florentina Village Jingjin with UOB and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
China Power International with DBS
Genius Auto Finance Company with UOB, MUFG Bank and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Bank of China (Macau)
Zhejiang Wisdom Puhua Financial Leasing
Favor Treasure Limited with UOB
Dynamic City Ventures Limited/Head Step Limited with UOB
Kingboard Holdings with MUFG Bank and Standard Chartered
Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation with DBS, UOB and ICBC (Asia)
Airport Authority Hong Kong with DBS and OCBC Bank
ACEN Corporation
Bank SinoPac
Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation
Reliance Industries
CK Hutchison
China Lianhe Credit Rating Company
Sustainable Fitch/Fitch Ratings
Moody’s Ratings
Prime Bank
Trust Investment Advisors Private Limited
IndoPremier Sekuritas
Bank of Ayudhya
Fuse Lending, Inc.
Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation
BDO Unibank/BDO Capital & Investment Corporation/BDO Trust and Investments Group
China Bank Capital Corporation
Maybank/Maybank Investment Bank
Hong Leong Investment Bank
Ho Chi Minh City Securities
Societe Generale
BNP Paribas
DBS/DBS (Hong Kong)/DBS Vickers Securities
Alpha Fintech
Bank SinoPac/Bank SinoPac (Hong Kong)
Cathay Financial Holdings
Cathay United Bank
Taishin Bank
SinoPac Securities
KGI Securities
Bank SinoPac/Bank SinoPac (Hong Kong)
Taipei Fubon Bank
Hang Seng Bank
CGS International Holdings Limited
Huatai International
Hua Xia Bank (Hong Kong)
China International Capital Corporation
BOC International
Bank of Communications/Bank of Communications (Hong Kong)
CCB International Capital Limited
OCBC Bank/OCBC Al-Amin Bank
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
MUFG Bank/MUFG Bank (Singapore)
Standard Chartered
DBS/DBS (Hong Kong)/DBS Vickers Securities
Best M&A Adviser (Citi)
Best Securitization Adviser (BNP Paribas)
Best Loan Adviser (DBS)
Best Local Currency Bond Adviser (UOB)
Best G3 Bond Adviser (HSBC)
Best Debt Adviser (Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation)
Best Equity/Equity-Linked Adviser (Citi)
Best Second Party Opinion Provider (Moody’s Ratings)
Best Social Impact Adviser (MUFG)
Best Green Finance Adviser (Credit Agricole CIB)
Best Sustainable Finance Adviser (Standard Chartered)
Best Commercial Bank (Citi)
Best Corporate and Institutional Bank (Citi)
Best ESG Bank (Societe Generale)
Best Bank for Sustainable Finance (DBS)